Friday, March 21, 2014

When You Join a Sorority

It seems as though the public believes that when you join a sorority you lose every ounce of morality you have in your body. As soon as you accept your bid you become a different person. However, that is entirely untrue. And maybe it's not the sorority girls that change, it's the people around them.

Think about it. It's not all that crazy. People already have these wild and crazy assumptions about sororities and Greek life. Not EVERY sorority girl goes to a party every Thursday night. Most nights, sorority girls are either recruiting, completing volunteer hours, or doing homework to keep their GPA up. Not so crazy, right? So why does everyone have this huge problem with Greek life?

They believe the hype. Of course, the news doesn't help either. News outlets LOVE to pick up stories about  fraternities beating pledges with  paddles or sororities making their pledges sit on washing machines and circling every part of the pledge that jiggles (these both really did happen). They don't want to pick up stories about how many members of the Greek community went to a local elementary school and read books to kindergarten and first grade children on Read Across America day. No one cares that each semester (at my school) every Greek on campus is required to complete 10 hours of community service. It's the middle of the semester and I already have 12 hours. One of my sisters has 70.

Back to how people change when you join a sorority. Because they believe what they are fed via Hollywood and news outlets, many people in your life will not be okay with you taking the leap into Greek life. It won't be easy to watch the people you love most push you away, but you need to remember that if they truly cared about you, they would be happy that you are happy. 

But when you do join a sorority, you meet some of your best friends. When I joined, obviously my big sis and I became really close, however there were many other sisters that I built a close relationship with. I couldn't imagine life without some of my sisters and I wonder how I made it without them. Some of them I am still building a relationship with, but we are still pretty good friends. With spring break nearing and my sisters and I going in all different directions, I am not necessarily looking forward to 10 days without my best friends. At least I know that I'll get to spend a lifetime with them making memories and having the best days of my life.