Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A Tribute To My Little

Dear Little,

From the moment that we met
It was almost too good to be true
What could go better together
Than us -- me and you?

You've given me laughs, 
You've given me tears,
You've given me a thousand reasons to smile
Over this past year.

We've gone out and had fun
We've flirted with guys
We've broken some hearts,
Caught many eyes.

It's been fun being your big
That will never end
You're my little forever
You're pretty much my best friend.

I'll never let you go,
I'll never say goodbye,
I'll always be there for you,
Right by your side.

I'm so proud to call you my little
I'm proud of who you are.
You're going to change the world someday
You're going to go SO far!

My dearest little,
This tribute is for you
May you carry my love
In everything you do.