Sunday, November 23, 2014

An Open Letter to My Active Sisters (Since I'm An Alum)

To my remaining active sisters;

I would like to start off by saying thank you. Thank you for the laughs, the tears, and every memory we've ever made together. Some of you just recently became my sisters, but that means nothing when a semester feels like a life time. Thank you for filling me with hope for the future and letting me know that I am leaving my chapter in good hands. One day you'll be graduating and you'll know exactly what I'm feeling right now. Just remember to teach each new member class just as you've been taught (or even better) and our chapter will continue to grow in sisterhood and strength.

While I am excited to be heading out into the real world, I am also terrified. I'm scared of leaving all of this, all of you behind. What will I do on Monday nights with no chapter meetings? Or post-chapter Taco Bell? Or post-rush Taco Bell? Does Taco Bell even exist without my sisters? You've taught me so much about life and friendship and you didn't even know it. When I was down and all of the older sisters were studying for make-or-break tests, you didn't hesitate to stay by my side until I felt better (even though you were blowing off studying for English). It might have seemed like that's "what sisters are for" but you didn't have to do it. You did it because the day that we all said yes to one another, we all began teaching each other what true sisterhood is. You learned well. That's one of the reasons I have no fear about the future of this chapter. And to my little, you taught me what having a teenage daughter might be like. I think I handled it well though. Well, for the most part. You all also showed me how much I am truly capable of, and that's a lesson I'll need out in the real world. Thank you.

While you may say that us seniors are some of the reasons you are wearing these letters, you're one of the reasons I'm still wearing mine. Sorority life isn't an easy life. It's full of fun, laughter, heartache, and tears. It's a roller coaster. But at the end of the day I look at every girl that I helped recruit to the sorority and I remember that it's all worth it because I have all of you in my life. You may think that the graduating sisters changed this chapter, but all we did was bring you here. The future is up to you, and I know that all of you have the strength and ability to do it. In my time here I've seen many of you grow into stronger women (even you new initiates) and I can't wait to see you continue to grow. Every alum day I come to, every post on Facebook I see, I'll know that my chapter is okay. And whenever I have a little legacy, she'll have a chapter to come back to.

Dry your tears and I'll try to dry mine. This won't be easy, but I know you'll all be fine. You're all going to be great members of our sorority, our campus, and our society. This organization will teach you everything you need to know about the world if you let it. Whenever you graduate, I hope you feel the way I do right now. I am at peace with everything that is happening within our chapter (even though I'll totally lose it at commencement) and I am proud to be your sister and I wouldn't trade you for the world.

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