Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Elitist: What Does It Mean For Your Organization?

We've all heard the term "elite," but what does it really mean? What I found on Google (when I typed in "define: elite") was "a group of people considered (by others or themselves) to be the best in a particular society or category, esp. because of their power, talent, or wealth." We all would like to think that our group whether it's a sorority, club, or group of friends, is the elite group on campus. However, there is a problem with this type of thought.

If you have even looked at some of my past posts you might be able to figure out that I was in process for a sorority at one point in time, but I was dropped from their process for what I considered some of the most ignorant reasoning I've ever heard, but that is beside the point. I never actually heard any of them refer to themselves as the "elite" or the "best," however, at one point in time they gave off that "self-righteous" vibe to one of my friends. She even used the term "elitist" when mocking them. Basically the same thing that happened to me happened to her from the same group of people. Tonight I saw a status on Facebook where a girl called her sorority "the elite." I have a problem with this.

Of course as a member of that organization, this girl should believe that her sorority is wonderful and great. She should be proud to wear her letters, but referring to your sorority as "the elite" or "the best" can truly alienate PNMs. Girls who were on the fence about Greek life? Yeah, they have made up their minds. No one wants to walk into the middle of a war and in their minds a comment like "we are the best" may seem like there is an ongoing fight between organizations. She doesn't see the pride behind the statement, she only sees the vanity that it presents.

At my school, every organization is working to better our Greek unity. We realize that in a way, we depend on one another. Without one, the others may not exist. So, just so we get everything straight, I'm going to write this on a line all by itself so everyone can understand what I am saying.

No organization is the best, no organization is elite.

If you've ever seen the movie "Gotta Kick It Up" on Disney Channel (let me show my age) you'll know where this quote is coming from. "There is a big difference between the best and being YOUR best." What's the difference? Everyone thinks that they are THE best, but when we start judging who is the best people get their feelings hurt. When we stand back and say that we are proud of sorority and we try to be OUR best, that is when we are truly successful. At the end of the day, being the best doesn't mean anything. If you succeed in what you set out to do, who cares if you raised the most money, got the most new members, had the highest GPA. Who cares if you won Greek Week? That's NOT what these letters are about. These letters are preparing us for our futures. One thing we have to learn is to be successful, but also to not be "the best." Welcome to the real world.

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