Friday, December 25, 2015

Why I'm "Salty", and Why That's Fine

Recently a friend on Facebook got engaged, then proceeded to share a photo accusing her single friends of being "salty" that she is now engaged.


Here's the thing, engaged ladies. Please understand that someone like me, who has over one THOUSAND Facebook friends has more than one friend who got engaged sometime in the last week. In fact, I've had three COUSINS who got engaged in the last week or two. I realized tonight that my brother and I are the only two people over the age of 18 in the family who are not engaged or married. And yes - I know that my issues should not affect you. Your boyfriend shouldn't feel the need to rearrange his proposal plans just because I might get my feelings hurt.

But I have news.

Are you ready?

You shouldn't care if I'm "salty."

I know, I know, we live in this world in which women are supposed to be empowered and not find their fulfillment from relationships. We're supposed to be independent and find our happiness in further education or establishing a career. But, there are still women who dream of finding the person they're supposed to be with, the person they're supposed to share life's moments with. And I'm one of THOSE women.

I put EVERYTHING ahead of a relationship, including school and my sorority. And I don't regret that one bit. That was my choice. But when I graduated, I felt like I had missed out on a whole part of life, since I had not really pursued dating. And now, as an adult, I don't know how to even approach dating, since I've never really experienced it. Oh, how embarrassing! I guess you all know, I've not REALLY been on a date before. Yeah, I've had a coffee grab with a guy, but I've not had a dinner and a movie, get dressed up, and act giddy all day long date.

Also, when I compare my relationship status (or lack thereof) to someone, I usually do so to my parents. My mother was 18 when she got married to my dad, who was 23. I am four years past my mother's age and six months away from my dad's at the age of marriage. Throw on top of that how many friends and family members have gotten engaged recently. My outlook on relationships and engagements has changed. I used to jump up and down and freak out, but the older I get, the less exciting it is.

So yes, I'm "salty", if you HAVE to give it a name. And that's okay. Just because I didn't flood your wall with heart eyed emojis and lose my mind over how beautiful your ring is, doesn't mean I'm not happy for you. It doesn't mean that I hate you. It means that I saw your announcement and chose not to respond. The end. There's nothing extra that you need to concern yourself with.

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