Sunday, September 1, 2013

FAQs: What I Hear Most Often

So every freshman is going to have their questions, and I have heard a TON of them. I am going to try and remember most of the questions I've gotten and add to this as I get more:))

Q: What is "Rush?"

A: Well, this one is always fun to answer, especially since I never was involved in rush, and as soon as rush is over, I will update this question to the best of my ability. From what I can gather, rush is the time where you are trying to find out which organization best fits you (in your opinion). Of course, everyone thinks they belong with the "most popular" group, but let's get real. This isn't high school. My advice? Don't look at what you think the "most popular" organization is. Look at the girls and how they act. Can you get along with each of these women? Remember, these women have the potential to be your sisters, not for four years, forever. At the same time that you are meeting the women of each organization, they are learning more about you and how you could possibly fit into their organization. By the end of rush week, most PNMs (potential new members) will be matched up with the organization that best matches them. Some PNMs don't receive bids, that's just the way rush works. Don't give up, most organizations continue to have Open Recruitment after rush and you are still eligible for it:)

Q: What is "Open Recruitment?"

A: Well, open recruitment is where I feel I have more experience. I received a bid for my organization via open recruitment. The way my organization does it, open recruitment is centered around "parties." These parties are not the "party hard" parties. They're the kind of parties where we sit around and eat delicious things, play games, take pictures, etc. A lot of times open recruitment has a new group of PNMs who could not go through rush due to schedule conflicts.

Q: Do I have to go to every night of rush?

A: Well. In a word, yes. This is why open recruitment is great. If you're like me you have class obligations on Tuesdays and Thursdays nights, causing a conflict with rush. Rush is where you put your best foot forward. Do you really want to show up, then be a no show for 50% of the week? If you KNOW there are conflicts with rush, hold out for open recruitment!!!!!

Q: How do I make sure I get a bid?

A: If you are dead set on going Greek, but you don't know which organization you would like to join, BE YOURSELF. If you read my last post, you would know that my sisters met me while I was crying on the side of the road. That's me, my emotions are out there for everyone. They knew this and they got to know me even better. I got a bid. If you act like YOU, you'll end up with the women you need to be with.

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