Thursday, January 16, 2014

Pay For My Friends? NEVER! Well, Actually...

Okay, sooooo here it goes.

To all you people who claim that sorority girls "pay for their friends" and that's the only reason they have any, I have news for you.

No, we don't.

If you look at the budget for my sorority, NOWHERE on it does it say "friendship fee." Yeah, no. But wait, I have even BIGGER news for you.

I was paying for my friends BEFORE I joined a sorority.

That's right. I was buying people long before I had my Alpha Sigma Tau letters plastered on every single shirt, all over my wall, on my notebooks, etc. If I wanted someone to like me, I knew all I had to do was pick up a little something here or there that I knew they liked and they would love me until they wanted something else.

I pay $60 every fall to be in the marching band. Am I paying for friends there? No, I'm paying for a shirt, a hat, my color guard instructor's paycheck, etc. But because in marching band we don't refer to each other as "sisters" no one has ever accused marching band members of paying for their friends. However, I have gone the extra mile... I don't just pay for the band fee. (Well, my PARENTS don't just pay for the band fee.)

Every weekend my mother brings boxes of cookies to football games. Why? It was a tradition I started a LONG time ago and it was just for one game with one section of the band. But the word spread and when I brought cookies to everyone, I was the best person in the world. What I'm trying to say is, everyone can be bought. Whether it's with money or cookies or whatever you're willing to give up.

But here's the crazy thing. I would much rather be paying the dues for my sorority and being with the people I love and that love me for who I am than be buying little trinkets here and there for people who don't actually like me. Of course I realize that not everyone in my sorority likes me (I'm not dumb), but they don't treat me badly because they don't like me. I'm not expendable to them. They may not like me, but they respect me. Which is much more than I can say for some other people that I have had in my life. They didn't like me or respect me and I still tried to buy their friendship because I was naive. 

So for everyone who has ever said that a sorority girl is just paying for her friends, I want you to really think long and hard. Everything is not black and white like you want it to be. And don't justify your lack of friends with being "too proud" to buy them. It's not classy and it's not cute. kthanksbye.

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