Friday, January 17, 2014

The Reasons I'm REALLY Late

So, I'm sure we've all been late for a class. And I'm sure we've all had an excuse. Mine have ranged from "I got sick when I didn't eat with this medicine that I had to take" to "My suitemate and her boyfriend were having a full on physical fight outside of my door." But today I had some legitimate things happen that happened causing me to be late almost late for my only class today. So, without further adieu, here are the reasons I was almost late to class today that are totally legit and should be 100% excused.

1. Even though this was my only class and it's 1:00 in the afternoon, I can and did oversleep. It is possible. Don't judge me.

2. And because I overslept, I didn't get to eat lunch. So I had to rummage for food so my stomach wouldn't make the most ungodly noises. You're welcome.

3. And since I woke up late, I rushed around getting up and dressed. I forgot my notebook and I went back for it. Once again, you're welcome.

4. I swear, my dorm has the slowest freaking elevator in the world.

5. ...and there was a girl holding the elevator for her friend who was still getting ready. rude.

6. That bridge that the school widened? Yeah, that only made these dumb girls think that they could walk beside each other and block my way when they're walking slower... than... death...

7. This campus is really small. Every five seconds I get stopped by fellow students, faculty, and staff members. They want to ask how every little thing in the world is going and how I'm feeling... I have places to go and things to do!!!

8. I took the stairs to get to our classroom. I'm out of shape. Let's not talk about. Once again, don't judge me.

Sometimes it's better to tell the truth and usually when I'm late to class it is because of one of the above reasons (or any combination of the 8). Today I had all 8 happen. Oh, the joys of attending a small college.

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