Saturday, January 18, 2014

We All Know THAT Girl

We always tell girls to not be "that girl," but how do you recognize THAT girl??? She comes across during rush. She's simply "that girl." The girl that we all look at and say "Bless her heart." She's not stupid, she just doesn't make the best decisions. She's not annoying, she can just frustrate you at times. There are many "that girl" moments, but here is a collection of some of the best I have come across.


This probably has to be my favorite. It's the girl who shows up to school and the very first guy she meets is THE ONE. She spends every waking moment with him, texting him, and when she's not awake, they're cuddled up sleeping in her bed annoying the crap out of her roommate(s). She swears they'll be together forever. She celebrates anniversaries every week. Every Monday without missing a beat her Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram are covered with pictures of her "perfect boyfriend" that she loves sooooooooo much with a nice bold #MCM next to the caption. Honey, we all know he's your boyfriend. You don't have to mcm him every week. It should go without saying that he's your mcm...

Tatted Up

I'm not condemning tattoos. Don't start on that stuff. I personally don't find them attractive, but whatever. This girl will have the absolute DUMBEST tattoos. There's the girl that gets her Justin Bieber tattoo because "one day he'll see me on Twitter and we'll fall in love and get married." Honey, I have news for you. If it didn't happen for me and Nick Carter, it won't happen. The girl that gets her boyfriend of 2 weeks tattooed on her shoulder inside of a heart... The list goes on. Most of these dumb tattoos have to do with men... If you can call JB a man...

Turnt Up

Come on, we've either seen her or been her. Every Facebook picture has some bottle of alcohol in it. Every Thursday is "thirsty Thursday" like it's some sort of holiday. She feels the need to inform everyone of her *cough* extracurricular activities.

It's late, so I'll go on and publish this. I promise I will add more tomorrow and write another post. I feel as though I've short-changed my readers today. Thanks for reading!!!!

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