Monday, January 20, 2014

Ring By Spring

Surely we've all heard the term "ring by spring" and with my final spring semester in college beginning I would like to write a little ode to this dear old term. Every sorority girl knows it, and there is a certain school that I know of that even their instructors encourage them to get that ring. However, I have something to say about this.

I did NOT come to college to get my MRS. Yes, I would like to have a (and this is going to sound so old fashioned) steady boyfriend by the time I graduate college. It doesn't look like that will happen, but whatever. I am way too young to be thinking about getting married. Yes, I have my wedding already planned thanks to Pinterest. I have all of my bridesmaids picked out thanks to my sorority, but I don't need a man to define my life.

Chris Crocker inspired me when I was younger with his video on codependency. (S)He talked all about how men and women who constantly have to be dating someone are not cute or classy. I agree. Desperation doesn't make you any more attractive and by dating someone new every 2 weeks, you're annoying all of your friends. But also, talking constantly about your boyfriend/fiancee is annoying everyone as well.

I will compare two of my friends. One of my sisters is engaged and has been with her fiancee for YEARS. They will be getting married next year I believe. She doesn't #mcm her fiancee every freaking Monday. She doesn't put selfies up saying "OHEMGEE I love him sooooo much!!!!" She doesn't post statuses telling us all how wonderful he is because he brought her chocolate and a teddy bear. Want to know why? Because she's not a child. My other friend started dating her boyfriend about 2 weeks after "the love of her life" dumped her. Every Monday she either Instagrams pictures of her boyfriend or of the two of them with a giant #MCM slapped all over the caption. She will randomly (on a daily basis) say "I love him soooo much!!!" Pretty much the complete opposite. I don't think she actually loves him, she loves the idea of having a boyfriend. And that's sad. And childish.

I guess it all boils down to the fact that being in a relationship should not be the only thing you focus on in your life. There's more to life than being in a relationship. I have so many things I want to do before I get married. Graduate college, open my business, travel, etc. Why would I tie myself down so early in life? I watched my parents do it (my mom got married at 18 and never went to college) and their lives have been pretty tough with not having college degrees. So, why do I still feel inferior to other women that have boyfriends/fiancees/husbands? Because deep down, all women want is to be appreciated by someone other than their family members.

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