Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Things You Wish You Could Say [To The Ones That Broke You]

So, obvi I'm a girl so this one is gonna be really girly. Get over it. Ladies, most of us have had at least one group of friends who completely betrayed and broke us. And that's fine. It's completely normal because people suck. Sometimes it feels like those people got the final word, but if you had the opportunity to say one last thing to those people? Well here is a collection of the things I have found bring me peace when thinking of those people that I have politely kicked out of my life.

Thank You.

No, seriously, THANK YOU. Now, there are two reasons I am thanking you. Number one, after you broke me and I got my life put back together, I am a MUCH stronger individual. Yeah, I have fewer "friends" but I am completely fine with starting over. I will get it right eventually and you have opened my eyes to who will be there for me and who won't. So, thanks.

Number two, I want to thank you for giving me a reason to get someone out of my life that I didn't need. More than likely if you did this to me, it has been building up for months or years. You have probably been making my life awful for quite some time but I am way too nice of a person to just sell someone out. But now you've given me a reason to excuse you from my life. Thank you so much!!!!

Good Luck.

We were really good friends because you knew at the end of the day, no matter how you treated me, I would be there for you and help you in almost any way possible. Do you know how hard that is to find in a person this day in age? It's 2014, if you need someone to pick you up between the hours of 12 AM and 9 AM, it'll be a miracle. Good luck finding that free taxi that would drive you wherever your little heart desired. More gas money for me.

Sorry, Not Sorry.

I don't mean this in a sarcastic way. I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you go from being my best friend to my worst enemy in less than 24 hours, but I really don't think it was my fault. Plus, if this is my first time to piss you off, can we please talk about all the times I've sat in my room crying because you felt the need to make me feel so small and insignificant? It's the whole speck-mote thing you learn about in Sunday School. You're too busy looking at me and saying "Whoa, she screwed up!" to sit down and think "What have I done to make her act this way?!" So, I'm sorry I screwed up, but it happens to the best of them.


[Insert derogatory names here]. I really don't think I need to explain this one. Just, seriously?!

So the next time someone decides that you're not good enough to be in their inner circle of friends, just remember that sometimes it's a good thing that you don't have to take care of their dumb selves anymore. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy the train wreck their life becomes trying to live it without you!!!!

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